Sunday, May 22, 2011

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TRANSPARENCY IN DEMOCRACY Chile requires a law to regulate lobbying on crisis and journalism

In Chile

badly needed transparency in the Parliament and the executive. To do this we must have a law regulating that activity Lobby. Many leaders confuse influence peddling with the Lobby. Lobby is not influence peddling and it is most opposed to that.

pressures are known banking sector, exporters, large companies, etc., Are legitimate probably, but how to exert the pressure has changed today. The modern Lobby does not translate into actual contact with authorities and powers, is much more than that. The lobby is an activity that can be applied in various ways: a direct lobby, a tall lobby, a lobby base.

know that lobbyists have always existed in all countries and demonstrated in various ways, through games of influence to defend their views. But the modern lobby not made in the shade and unable to continue serving in that form, must be transparent and face to society.

Nothing is more delicate than trying to influence a legal issue, act on issues that can affect millions of people, institutions or organizations. For this activity should be carried out by competent and qualified and total transparency and a people imbued with a spirit ethical, with a clear sense of social responsibility within the framework of regulations and well-defined parameters.

In Chile we have to create this profession, that of lobbyists, who be regulated both from a legal standpoint as ethics.


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wards Lab Activity Student Study Guide

interruptions and protests mark

on crisis and journalism

In the latest issue of Journalists (No. 24, Spring, 2011), a quarterly magazine of Federation of Associations of Journalists in Spain (FAPE ) published this article in "Tribuna" :

    Crisis and journalism

    In 2009, the year the economic crisis particularly hard hit Western countries, not all were left with empty pockets. Some companies were made of gold. And they did it, partly thanks to the invaluable assistance of the media.

    I refer, of course, drug companies marketing vaccines for influenza A. You know, one that was described as "first pandemic of the XXI century", the new plague that promised to be every customer ahead unvaccinated. Through its many tentacles, drug fueled a health scare that the media-also the WHO and the rulers, yes, swallowed without blinking. When the pharmaceutical filled the saddlebags, having sold their balms doubloon Gilead, the flu was gone like wine, like all flu disappear.

    That episode should move us to reflect on the shortcomings of the media reporting of crises, be they health, economic or otherwise. What are the mistakes? And above all, how to avoid them? I can think of five ideas (obvious, I know, but someone had to be said):

    1) Lift the look . Report it requires, first, to focus attention not only in the immediate. Myopia, this defect of vision that blurs all that is left to a few feet from the nose, is one of the most common in news coverage of any crisis. Many financial journalists are content to talk about the daily ups and downs of the markets, but just pay attention to the bottom currents. They are, however, these currents which determine the fate of the economy in the medium and long term.

    2) Less quotes and more data. Economic crisis leading to political and labor intensive discussions, naturally. However, these scuffle not require converting the coverage of events in endless games of table tennis, where each other are thrown things at each other head. As they shout, trying drugging excessively society or alarm, as touch, journalists would do well to study thoroughly the roles. And what have been found there. That would be enough.

    3) More ties robes. Of course, not all voices abound. Some people are very helpful to understand the whys of a crisis. Only must take the trouble to look. Rather than acting as mere go-between of the usual, or to use Smarty minions pundits, the media would do well to require the opinion of these experts less common, those who truly know phenomena.

    4) History teaches . No two crises are identical, right. But rarely is one that bears some similarity to a trance from the past. Often the best way to anticipate the future is simply to check what happened in the past.

    5) Explain with pictures . The more complex the subject of the report to be simpler and more attractive should be how to communicate. Use-it-genres such as computer graphics to show the true extent and evolution of a crisis saves unnecessary explanations. Good financial information is both accurate and interesting.

    could continue with more ideas, but this column only leaves room for a final reflection. It is a truism that, in the middle of the current economic crisis, it is the journalism that is in crisis. Current statistics are shown, indeed, an anthology of ski jumping trampolines, with falls each more terrifying. And there are those who blame for these evils to the Internet, the lack youth or ... the master armorer. Maybe if journalists were more self-critical in their own work, would be made on the way to solve the main problem: heal their eroded credibility.

Tags: reflections



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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speech Piñera Sebastián Piñera

interruptions and protests

speech marked Sebastián Piñera

Sohad Houssein

Sixteen people arrested and evicted from the stands of Congress, a Onat between parliamentarians at the end speech, constant screaming from the stands and reflections from the authorities on the differences between the ruling and opposition, overshadowed the few public announcements of this account.

A public account marked by the constant interruptions from the gallery, even from the seats of the authorities was who gave the May 21 President Sebastián Piñera.

Sixteen people were evicted from the room full of Congress during the session, including four students representing the CONFECH, a residential debtor and others loudly demanded better working conditions.

One of the moments of greatest tension came when five MPs from the Coalition took a canvas with the slogan "No to Hidroaysén" at the time that the president referred to the Environment and Energy. The Senate President Guido Girardi, then had to stop and call on legislators to return to order.

"We can not oppose all energy generating sources," he said Piñera and a clear allusion to the previous governments recalled that in the past 15 years have passed 106 power plants.

The head of state went further saying that "those who say that clean energy is the solution to our problem, are leading to error. We can not abandon hydroelectric and thermoelectric projects, but the blunders and jeers did not cease.

"We can not say we need energy, consuming abundantly and at the same time, oppose all your sources, "Piñera said, defending the adoption of Hidroaysén resisted.

As a" mitigation measure "the environmental conflicts that are happening in their government, the President announced the creation of a fund of 84 million dollars for research and promotion of clean renewable energy. In addition to an intersectoral commission with political representatives and citizens, to study the possibility of creating a public highway power transmission, among other measures.

But it was some minutes before involvement of parliamentarians when Piñera lost his composure. The previous rants were ignored by the President, who took the voice to continue the speech while its adherents to quell applauded.

"We will not distract a second mission that together we are making (...) the violence in our country will never have the last word (...) is the loss of respect for weakening our democracy," said a Piñera obfuscated the screams coming from the gallery.

In a heated political environment and citizen, and while on the streets of Valparaiso peaceful demonstrations were repelled with tear gas by police, the President ended his speech by calling for national unity and remembering the consequences of past divisions. However, only minutes after the public accounts were the same MPs who staged an attempted attempt in Congress.

The findings and thoughts this time were dedicated to the dispute, the legitimacy of extending paintings in the public accounts and the differences between the government and the opposition to comment on the announcements of the Government, however, were limited, as discourse focused, as agreed by the political committee in La Moneda, in highlighting the progress of the year, figures that also were strongly questioned from various quarters in recent days.

And a new trick on played a camera on him as he left the Congress along with the First Lady and the presidents of the chambers. "It was good, much more quiet than we expected," said Cecilia Morell.


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Rodrigo González Fernández
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President participated in the official photograph with his May 2011 gabinete21


President participated in the official photograph with his cabinet

May 21, 2011


The President, Sebastián Piñera, participated this morning in the official photograph with his cabinet, which was held in the gardens of the Palacio de Cerro Castillo.


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Rodrigo González Fernández
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CEL: 93934521
Ask for our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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Public Account: What thought the President's speech?

Public Account: What did you think the President's speech?

From 10 am, the President will begin his second Sebastián Piñera public accounting with an emphasis on major achievements of his administration since taking office in March 2010. According

publishes "El Mercurio", the speech today was developed on the seven pillars of that structure his presidential program such as Health, Crime, Politics, Poverty, Environment, State Modernization and Education.

addition to highlighting the goals it has met the Government's foreign policy will be addressed with special emphasis on the relationship with neighboring countries: Peru, Argentina and Bolivia. This

by border disputes will be resolved in the International Court in The Hague, like Lima and La Paz, whose relationship has been affected by the recent demand for maritime sovereignty claims the plateau country.

Elsewhere, the Head of State will announce the plan Connectivity by Chile, which aims to highlight the missing piece of the Carretera Austral.

One of the major problems facing the current administration because the Transantiago, for which the President will promise an improvement in the quality of bus service, redefine contracts with operators and to hold companies operating in the streets.

Source: EMOL

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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Santiago Chile
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Friday, May 20, 2011

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presidente An integrated mining the challenges of society

our business for many years was synonymous with location, is an oasis of alien technology and labor standards to their environment. Modern and independent camps in the desert or the mountains, with their own supply systems or even their own TV channels. That is, autarkic system that avoided real look at nearby communities.

Today, the company that just keep looking at the hill in time to see 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, or do not integrate the vision of the neighbors on itself, has no future in the industry. Without social legitimacy will not be possible to ensure continuity of operations or development of new projects.

Moreover, the nature of our business, from non-renewable natural resources, we should always be made looking to the future, recognizing and placing value on mining resources, and therefore entering companies do not always have a mining tradition.

In this context, we must not only ask ourselves how we will protect our environment for the impacts and risks associated with our industry. The great challenge before us is to see the sense in which our activity in the world of the future. And that future, that progress is not possible without the metals, and so no large scale mining.

The look that we have in our company about the social issue has led us to identify two major areas of management to address the various concerns and expectations of society.

The first concerns a Responsible, thus ensuring the respect and consideration for people. Safety and health of our workers, quality of labor relations, peaceful coexistence with communities, and the employability and capacity building of local provision at the base. In addition there are now new opportunities and challenges, such as gender mainstreaming or the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide.

The second key area in corporate management is aimed the development of the societies in which we perform. This means, for example, to look beyond our own personal needs, preparing local capacities that can produce different development alternatives to mining, especially addressing the modernization of traditional activities in those areas.

In this field there are excellent examples throughout our industry, but today we may go beyond individual efforts and work on a common vision especially in areas where coexist different mines.

All of the Above our industry requires in-depth understanding its context and move on indicators of effective management, plant and control challenging goals that respond to society. All this must be part of the culture of our organizations, enabling economic, environmental and social are considered in decision-making from the design of any project until its closure.

This is the final call I want to do in this post, and that there is another to summon the leaders of our industry to ensure comprehensive management to do that mining is no longer synonymous with location, but integration and Working with the company for their economic and spiritual.

President Marcelo Awad

President Seminar 2011 SRMINING Antofagasta Minerals Group Executive


An integrated mining challenges society

our business for many years was synonymous enclave, is an oasis of alien technology and labor standards to their environment. Modern and independent camps in the desert or the mountains, with their own supply systems or even their own TV channels. That is, autarkic system that avoided real look at nearby communities.

Today, the company that just keep looking at the hill in time to see 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, or do not integrate the vision of the neighbors on itself, has no future in the industry. Without social legitimacy will not be possible to ensure continuity of operations or development of new projects.

Moreover, the nature of our business, from non-renewable natural resources, we should always be made looking to the future, recognizing and placing value on mining resources, and therefore entering companies do not always have a mining tradition.

In this context, we must not only ask ourselves how we will protect our environment for the impacts and risks associated with our industry. The great challenge before us is to see the sense in which our activity in the world of the future. And that future, that progress is not possible without the metals, and so no large scale mining.

The look that we have in our company about the social issue has led us to identify two major fields of management to address the various concerns and expectations of society.

The first concerns a Responsible, thus ensuring the respect and consideration for people. Safety and health of our workers, quality of labor relations, peaceful coexistence with communities, and the employability and capacity building of local provision at the base. In addition there are now new opportunities and challenges, such as gender mainstreaming or the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide.

The second key area management social is aimed at developing the societies in which we perform. This means, for example, to look beyond our own personal needs, preparing local capacities that can produce different development alternatives to mining, especially addressing the modernization of traditional activities in those areas.

In this area there are excellent examples throughout our industry, but today we may go beyond individual efforts and work on a common vision especially in areas where coexist different mines.

All of the Above our industry requires in-depth knowledge its context and move on indicators of effective management, plant and control challenging goals that respond to society. All this must be part of the culture of our organizations, enabling economic, environmental and social are considered in decision-making from the design of any project until its closure.

This is the final call I want to do in this post, and that there is another to summon the leaders of our industry to ensure comprehensive management to do that mining is no longer synonymous with location, but that integration and joint work with the company for their economic and spiritual.

Marcelo Awad
President Seminar 2011
SRMINING Antofagasta Minerals Group CEO


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Rodrigo González Fernández
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: English 3Power Energy arrived in Chile with purchase of two wind projects

Inglesa 3Power Energy llega a Chile con compra de dos proyectos eólicos

El grupo inglés 3Power Energy anunció ayer su llegada oficial al país a través de la firma de un acuerdo para adquirir dos nuevos proyectos eólicos, que en conjunto totalizarán 58 MW.

De acuerdo a la firma, que no detalló con quien se encuentra negociando la venta wind farms nor their location, the current owner of the projects would be finalizing the necessary regulations and permits for the development of these plans. Energy 3Power reported, once the purchase is realized, the company transferred to the subsidiary both local initiatives that will manage the new operation in Chile, the newly formed Energy SA
However, he had other plans in Chile: according to its website, also aim to build two projects 9MW and 4.5 MW, both located in the south of the country (the second one in the Bío Bío Region), the beginning of operation is scheduled for late this year.

Source: DF

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

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Minister of Agriculture ruled that Chile adopt foreign agreement that allows the patenting of native species

Minister of Agriculture ruled that Chile adopt foreign agreement that allows the patenting of species native

Agriculture Minister, José Antonio Galilea, categorically ruled that the adoption of the International Convention for the Protection Variety of Plants (UPOV 91), which grants rights to the property of their owners modified seeds, could damage the country's small farmers.

Posted on Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:07 am 0

In conversation with "The Great Interactive Tomorrow," Agriculture Minister, José Antonio Galilea, categorically ruled that the adoption of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 91), which grants rights to the ownership of seeds modified to their owners, could damage the country's small farmers.

As the owner of Agriculture said the project was presented in the previous administration, the government of former President Michelle Bachelet, as part of an agreement concluded by the signing of FTAs \u200b\u200bwith the U.S., Australia and Japan.

view of Galilee, "has assembled a whirlwind of information by the Senate passage of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 91). I'm really surprised so far has climbed misinformation and misrepresentation of what happened in the Senate. "

Agriculture Minister, said this is a legal framework "that all it does is protect the rights of individuals or companies that derive new plant varieties for agriculture."

"has nothing to do this project with GM, to affect small farmers and the ethnic groups in Chile, because it has to do with the new varieties, it has nothing to do with endemic or indigenous variety of the country ", stressed the authority.


said that" it has been said that this is a project to promote a seed company in particular. In Chile there is a tremendous development of the seed industry, small entrepreneurs are also involved. I'm really impressed so far there has been misinformation and I would say bad intention as to proclaim thesis absolutely false about this agreement. "

Sentencing that is aberrant, in Chile there is no law that allows patenting plants, that does not exist and the issue of GM runs a different project in Parliament to be submitted for discussion at the time, but entangle an international convention to which we are bound by agreement that we entered into with other countries and it is also an upgrade in terms of protecting the rights of those dedicated to this. "



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
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would be the second most expensive natural disaster for insurers after Katrina, which cost $ 16 billion

Flood upward pressure on U.S. prices of agricultural commodities and fuels

wheat values \u200b\u200bhave risen 28 cents a bushel, corn has risen by 23 cents a bushel and soybeans by 15 cents a bushel.

By Isabel Ramos Jeldres

A tough situation is the farmers living in the United States. The Mississippi River flood, the largest river system in the country, has grown because of heavy rains and melting snow, which has affected not only agricultural land in the area, but has also disrupted transport half of all U.S. grain exports, putting upward pressure on the price of wheat, corn and soybeans.

Boats load began to move slowly down the Mississippi River Friday after the Coast Guard traffic paralyzed for a day, to prevent flood waters hundreds of hectares of agricultural land. So far, 100 thousand acres of land have been affected.

As a result, wheat prices have risen 28 cents a bushel, corn has risen by 23 cents a bushel and soybeans has increased by 15 cents a bushel. Analysts expect that these price increases begin to also transferred to international markets since United States is the biggest grain exporter in the world.

addition to raising the prices of agricultural commodities, the flood of the river has stopped normal operation of oil and gas wells in the area.

In the area there are 2,264 oil wells, responsible for 19 000 barrels of oil a day, according to the Oil and Gas Association of Louisiana. In addition, there are 252.6 million cubic feet of gas per day, according to spokeswoman Department of Natural Resources Louisiana, Anna DeArmon. In addition there is the interruption of ten refineries of the state, contributing 14% of the operational capacity of the country.

insurance losses

Floods could
also cause insurance companies to major losses from natural disasters in the United States since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005.

costs of floods in states like Tennessee and Missouri could overcome the losses from Hurricane Ike, which hit Texas in 2008, and the increase in the Cedar River flood that hit Iowa, told Bloomberg analyst insurance industry Wunderlich Securities, Elizabeth Malone.

Katrina caused more than $ 16 billion in losses to the National Flood Insurance, which covers homes and businesses. Ike, meanwhile, demanded U.S. $ 2,600 million.

These expenses add to the losses suffered by insurance companies last month, the highest for the month of April in the U.S. since at least 2006. Tornadoes in Alabama and forest fires in Texas contributed more than $ 5 billion in losses for the industry, according to Aon, the largest insurance broker in the country.

But the crisis also will increase the burden of the National Flood Insurance Program, which already owes U.S. $ 18 billion, and could not recover from Katrina and the recent events. Fifteen of the largest flood-related expenditures have been made in the last fifteen years
Source :

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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  • Letelier lashes for repatriation of capital and government is cautious
  • HidroAysén: House approves investigative commission
  • Executive indications
  • Post natal: Government welcomes indications and delays to key vote today
  • "In the government's agenda do not see that there is a strategy solid, "Zoom
  • seven flagship measures of the agenda of the government's competitive drive
  • Industry shows recovery and rises to 11.1%
  • Communications achieved a 9.6% increase
  • Mining
  • follows, dropping 1.8% Transportation
  • increases and reaches 14%
  • commercial activity continues to lead the sector up
  • 10.7% in increased construction activity in the LNG
  • EGA pushes sector activity to 9.2%
  • Fishing exhibits growth rate of 36.6%
  • Agriculture and forestry notes increase of 15.8%
  • Sofofa bet because the industry will grow 6% this year
Source :
SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management UN in Public Administration
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, advice nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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  • El Chile led the amounts traded
  • Celfin launches new mutual fund
  • better view of Ripley
  • Watt's placed bond English
  • XTB begins its landing in Chile
  • Europe recycles about half of the copper used
  • The dollar resumed the downward trend and believe that BCI could fall to $ 450
  • Investors regain leadership in local opening of Aqua
  • Expertos: volatilidad provoca malas decisiones en traspaso de fondos
  • Bancarios aplauden anuncio de movilidad de garantía hipotecaria
  • Provida critica tarifa máxima para gestión de fondos de cesantía
Fuente :DF
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management "UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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very dynamic industry Agriculture and forestry is scoring increase of 15.8%

Sector Agriculture and forestry notes dynamic increase of 15.8%

This result is explained, says the Central, the dynamism of the fruit,

scored a very dynamic agriculture and forestry sector, it showed an increase of 15.8%, after falling 0.4% in the fourth quarter of 2010. This result is explained, says the Central, the dynamism of the fruit, especially for export production . Lesser extent, livestock and forestry sector also contributed to the result. Meanwhile, agriculture fell by the effects of a high base of comparison.


ASK, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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Reconstruction: Senator Letelier lashes for repatriation of capital-MINING

executive has deferred decision on exchange rate of the dollar fall caution

Letelier lashes for repatriation of capital and government is cautious

The reconstruction of the historical and rural housing damaged by the earthquake, are the main motives of the initiative.

By Sebastian Vega

Senate vice-president, Juan Pablo Letelier (PS), returned to ask the Minister of Finance Felipe Larraín, assess a law that encourages standardization taxation of foreign investment in Chile and living in our country, in order to finance the reconstruction of the historical and rural housing affected by the earthquake in February 2010.

"I come to promote a law that allows the recording of capital to finance the creation of a special fund for the reconstruction of historical heritage and rural housing, is an effort that is pending on what is related to reconstruction," MP said the coalition.

regard, Larrain said receipt with the subject, but would not commit the Government because as discussed in this portfolio, there fear that the initiative could impact further on the falling dollar.

"We said we are working on this. Here is a sort of cross support and there was even a request, a draft agreement in the Senate with some 20 senators, and we receive the contributions and concerns about it," said Minister of Finance.

Senator Letelier, who takes considerable time to insist on this matter-is considering legal initiative for the state to raise between U.S. $ 1,500 million and U.S. $ 2,500 million when implementing the rules, and between U.S. $ 250 million and $ 300 million a year from the effects of mass increase tax through a special tax of between 5% and 10% for use once only, to encourage the voluntary repatriation.

"We hope that this registration process allows for standardization in the context of new international financial standards as the OECD and the financial crisis of 2009, which makes it necessary to normalize the elimination of capital, and, further, that will use the mechanism to raise many resources devoted amounts equal to the asset reconstruction, "argued the Social Democratic, who is awaiting a response to his request for now and June.


ASK, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
  • IN can read us FACEBOOK

CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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CHILE: India Hindustan Copper Mine looks forward to joint venture with Codelco

Indian authorities were in chile

India Hindustan Copper Mine looks forward to joint venture with Codelco

to exploit mineral reserves in Chile.

india company Codelco and Hindustan Copper are studying the possibility of running a joint venture to tap reserves mining in Chile.

companies began talks during a visit to Chile India delegation, headed by Indian Minister of Mines, Dinsho Patel, according to the same confirmed. The state

Hindustan Copper (monopoly producer in India), also showed interest in buying the underground mining technologies using Codelco to boost production from its own mines in India. "We see a wide scope of cooperation between the two companies," said Patel. "We want to expand the Hindustan Copper mining business not only in India but also abroad."

Renewal directors

On another level, yesterday met the president's decision to renew Piñera for a further period of four years, the directors of Codelco, Marcos Lima Marcos Büchi Buc and Aravena.

Both names were incorporated into the lists proposed by the Council of Senior Public Management for the renewal of a board member of the state.


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS-COACHING RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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Government is considering changing business model for reservoirs plan

The idea is that private works not only build but also to manage those.

By Andres Pozo B.

A change in the way that new reservoirs will be bid government announced in February, is being studied within the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and other public bodies.

The formula analyzed transcended, try to give a greater role and create incentives to private, allowing the saving of resources by the state.

is currently the authority, through the Directorate of Hydraulic Works MOP-that awarded to a construction company. Once operational, the state takes charge of the operation for some years.

all based on the DFL 1123, which sets rules on the execution of irrigation works by the State.

The new model set to private construction contract is awarded, will continue running it from the beginning. With this the State will not worry about the works.

The state benefit is given, it will seek bids to bring social benefits. This would also promote the partnership between private parties that can motivate the emergence of other types of businesses.

Although the system is similar to concessions, close to the portfolio be ruled alike, especially with regard to ownership of the works.

Six new reservoirs

The definition of this new model could delay the bidding of some reservoirs. Currently the new centers are being evaluated to determine whether to apply this formula.

The plan announced in February included $ 900 million investment in six halls.

The first to be tendered, under the traditional model was to Chacrillas in the Region of Valparaíso. In

ChileCompra also maintains the tender EIA Chironta reservoir in Arica and Parinacota.


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
  • IN can read us FACEBOOK

CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BUSINESS - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE ENERGY , Consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile